Location: Gliwice (registered office of the company) /Ornontowice (a plant) , Silesia Province
Contact: zpc.zory@ec-remondis.pl
Operational data (2023):
• Installed thermal capacity: 43,3 MWt
• Ordered thermal capacity: 29,3 MWt
• Sale of heat: 35 825 MWh
• Installed electric capacity: 8 MWe
• Sale of electricity: 34 072 MWh
• Management of the methane gas from the coal mine: 10 216 966 m3 100% CH4
Municipal and industrial market of heat
Industrial electricity market
Intake of the methane gas from coal mines
Industrial management of the methane gas from coal mines.
Zakład Produkcji Ciepła "Żory" Sp. z o.o.
Bojkowska 37 Building 4
44-100 Gliwice